Sunday, November 4, 2018

Those fading Faces

Fading Faces

Silently, ever watching.
Those faces come
they preen, the prime, they flatter.

Silently, I am watching,
Seeing their falsity,
seeing them play their games.

Silently, I am judging,
No need for jealousy,
for I am the one who stays.

Silently, I am protecting.
Her Heart.
Her Mind.
Her Soul.

Silently, I am waving,
as those faces quietly fade.
As their falsity tightens the noose

and they dangle by their dishonesty
their lies tightening around their throats
they destroy their chances.

It's Her world you enter
it's my world you leave.
you can't handle the Dragon

Her will breaks you,
you're not cut out for service,
you can't exist here.

Because you can't be true
you can't be real
you can't be.

Silently, ever watching,
Just fading faces.


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